

On-Grid Solar Power Plants

  • Harness Clean Energy from the Sun your gateway to sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions!


On-Grid Solar Power Plant is an innovative and efficient solution that harnesses the sun's energy to generate clean electricity. It operates by seamlessly integrating with the existing grid infrastructure, enabling you to both consume and supply power to the grid.

Our On-Grid Solar Power Plant is designed to harness the abundant energy from the sun and seamlessly integrate it with your existing power grid, offering a reliable and eco-friendly energy generation system.

How It Works

The On-Grid Solar Power Plant consists of solar panels that convert sunlight into DC (direct current) electricity. These solar panels are strategically installed on rooftops or open spaces, optimizing exposure to sunlight. The DC electricity is then converted into AC (alternating current) electricity through an inverter, making it suitable for consumption by your electrical appliances and the grid.

Key Components

  • Solar Panels: High-quality solar panels capture sunlight and generate electricity, ensuring maximum energy efficiency.
  • Inverter: The heart of the system, the inverter, converts DC electricity from the solar panels into AC electricity for immediate use or export to the grid.
  • Structure: Pre GI & Hot Dip Galvanised structures for rooftop / elevated structures / ground mount structures
  • Balance of Systems: DC & AC Distribution Boxes, wires & cables, connectors
  • Earthing & LA Protections: Minimum 3 earthings or more as deemed appropriate for the site are provided at each site
  • Remote Monitoring: A remote monitoring is provided to each plant so as to analyze the generation data remotely.
  • Grid Connection: Our On-Grid Solar Power Plant connects seamlessly to your existing power grid, allowing you to draw electricity when needed and sell excess power back to the grid.


Advantages of On-Grid Solar Power Plant


Cost Savings

By generating your own electricity, you reduce reliance on traditional power sources, leading to substantial savings on your utility bills.


Environmental Friendly

Embrace a greener lifestyle with clean and renewable solar energy, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner planet.


Grid Support

Your On-Grid Solar Power Plant supports the overall power grid, ensuring a stable and consistent energy supply for your community.


Net Metering Benefits

Through net metering, you can earn credits or receive payments for surplus electricity sent back to the grid, maximizing your savings.


Low Maintenance

Our reliable and durable system requires minimal maintenance, providing hassle-free operation for years to come.

Key Installations

Demo Project

Location : Gurugram